mmSolver can be customised using configuration files. The default configuration of mmSolver is stored in the installation directory ‘config’ sub-directory, but each file may be overridden by adding a file into the home directory.
When a new configuration file with the exact file name as a default config file is found, it replaces the original. Configuration files do not accumulate values.
For documentation of the config utility module, see mmSolver.utils.config.
User Preferences#
General user preferences affecting tools can be adjusted using the User Preferences… window. Please see the User Preferences page for details.
Home Directory Configuration#
To store settings and preferences that persist after Maya is closed, files are saved into the home directory.
The path for these changes are dependent on the Operating System:
(on Linux)%APPDATA%\mmSolver
(on Windows)
You can type these paths into your file manager (for example Windows Explorer) to go to the directory.
All of your personal user-settings are stored inside the home directory. Copying, or deleting these files will delete or transfer the personal preferences too.
Not all settings in mmSolver are stored in the home directory, some are stored in the Maya scene file directly.