Create an Image Plane on a camera.


The Create Image Plane tool.

Create a new Image Plane on the selected camera.


Library functions for creating and modifying image planes.

Idea - Create wrapper image plane node - The node should adjust either ‘live’ or ‘baked’ nodes.

Idea - Allow users to change the image sequence. - Both ‘live’ and ‘baked’ image planes are updated as needed. - Users can choose to auto-convert to Maya IFF format (for speed). - Users should have multiple file paths stored on the image plane,

with the choice to switch between them as needed.

Idea - Bake images into .iff files using Maya ‘imgcvt’ utility. - Experiment with .dds files to see if it’s faster in the Maya viewport or not. - Write to local ‘sourceimages/mmSolver_temp’ directory, by default.

Idea - Apply image processing templates to images. - Allow the use of OIIO, Natron or Nuke (if installed) - Features

  • Reformat / down-res plates. - Scale (50%) - Maximum width (2048) - Maximum height (2048)

  • Lens undistort (for baked image planes)

  • Converting to different formats (such as Maya ‘iff’)

Tool - Set Image Plane File Path

Tool - Toggle the Live/Baked image plane state.

Idea - Create a custom image plane shape node. - Pipe the deforming polygon plane into the shape node and draw it with

an image sequence on it.

  • This allows us to hide the polygons in a viewport but still show the image plane.

  • We can control the depth of the image plane with this method.

  • When the OCG Image Plane is fully developed we can easily replace this shape node with the ‘ocgImagePlane’., name=None)#

Create an Image Plane that can be distorted in Maya’s viewport (realtime).

Create an Image Plane that can be distorted in Maya’s viewport (realtime)., image_sequence_path, attr_name=None)#
