Create an Image Plane on a camera.
The Create Image Plane tool.
Library functions for creating and modifying image planes.
Idea - Create wrapper image plane node - The node should adjust either ‘live’ or ‘baked’ nodes.
Idea - Allow users to change the image sequence. - Both ‘live’ and ‘baked’ image planes are updated as needed. - Users can choose to auto-convert to Maya IFF format (for speed). - Users should have multiple file paths stored on the image plane,
with the choice to switch between them as needed.
Idea - Bake images into .iff files using Maya ‘imgcvt’ utility. - Experiment with .dds files to see if it’s faster in the Maya viewport or not. - Write to local ‘sourceimages/mmSolver_temp’ directory, by default.
Idea - Apply image processing templates to images. - Allow the use of OIIO, Natron or Nuke (if installed) - Features
Reformat / down-res plates. - Scale (50%) - Maximum width (2048) - Maximum height (2048)
Lens undistort (for baked image planes)
Converting to different formats (such as Maya ‘iff’)
Tool - Set Image Plane File Path
Tool - Toggle the Live/Baked image plane state.
Idea - Create a custom image plane shape node. - Pipe the deforming polygon plane into the shape node and draw it with
an image sequence on it.
This allows us to hide the polygons in a viewport but still show the image plane.
We can control the depth of the image plane with this method.
When the OCG Image Plane is fully developed we can easily replace this shape node with the ‘ocgImagePlane’.
-, name=None, version=None)#
Create an Image Plane that can be distorted in Maya’s viewport (realtime).
Create an Image Plane that can be distorted in Maya’s viewport (realtime).
-, image_sequence_path, attr_name=None, version=None)#
Look up node values and format as text.
Example output: ‘2,346.1MB (23.7MB x 102 frames)’
Look up node values and format text.
Example text: ‘ 42.1% (3.53GB) of 8.00GB’
Look up node values and format as text.
Example text: ‘ 23.1% (34.24 GB) of 240.00 GB’
Look up node values and format as text.
Example text: ‘GPU 8.00 GB’
Look up node values and format as text.
Example text: ‘CPU: 240.00 GB’