Tool to load markers into Maya from various thirdparty file formats.
The Load Marker tool - user facing.
Open the Load Marker GUI.
Library - Basics#
Module for reading marker files.
This should be used by end-users, not the internal modules.
-, **kwargs)#
Read a file path, find the format parser based on the file extension.
-, cam=None, mkr_grp=None, col=None, with_bundles=None, load_bundle_position=None, camera_field_of_view=None)#
Create Markers for all given MarkerData objects
- Parameters:
mkr_data_list ([MarkerData, ..]) – List of MarkerData with data for creating markers.
cam (Camera) – Camera to create Markers under.
mkr_grp (MarkerGroup) – Marker Group, under cam, that the markers will be created under.
col (Collection or None) – Collection to add Markers to.
with_bundles (bool) – Create a bundle for each Marker.
load_bundle_position (bool) – Apply the 3D positions to bundle.
camera_field_of_view ([(int, float, float)]) – The camera field of view of the original camera with this 2D data.
- Returns:
List of Markers.
- Return type:
[Marker, ..]
-, mkr_data_list, load_bundle_position=None, camera_field_of_view=None)#
Update the given mkr_list with data from mkr_data_list. The length of both lists must match.
- Parameters:
mkr_list ([Marker, ..]) – Markers to update.
mkr_data_list ([MarkerData, ..]) – The MarkerData list to search for a match.
load_bundle_position (bool) – Apply the 3D positions to bundle.
camera_field_of_view ([(int, float, float)]) – The camera field of view of the original camera with this 2D data.
- Returns:
List of Marker objects that were changed.
- Return type:
[Marker, ..]
Library - Advanced#
The Load Marker tool - user facing.
Return the (associated) Camera objects from the selection.
- Returns:
Camera objects.
- Return type:
Get all cameras in the scene file.
Start-up cameras are ignored (‘persp’, ‘top’, ‘side’, ‘front’, etc)
- Return type:
list of mmSolver.api.Camera
Get all MarkerGroups for the given camera.
- Return type:
list of mmSolver.api.MarkerGroup
Get selected Marker object.
- Return type:
list of mmSolver.api.Marker
Get the Camera that is attached to the active viewport.
- Returns:
The Camera object, or None.
- Return type:
Camera or None
Get a start directory for a file browser window.
- Parameters:
file_path – An input
- Returns:
Create a new camera nodes and object.
- Returns:
Camera object.
- Return type:
Create a new marker group node and object.
- Parameters:
cam (Camera) – The camera to create the Marker Group under.
- Returns:
MarkerGroup object.
- Return type:
Get image resolution from Maya Render Settings (Render ‘Globals’).
- Returns:
tuple of two ints.
- Return type:
(int, int)
Trigger Maya to refresh.
-, key, old_value)#
Set the user preferences to a value, as a deferred fashion.
Camera field of view maths related functions.
-, frames)#
Compute the Camera’s field of view with a camera shape node at frames.
- Parameters:
cam_shp (str) – Maya camera shape node.
frames ([int, ..]) – List of frames to sample the camera/marker group
- Returns:
- Return type:
[(int, float, float), ..]
-, mkr_grp, camera_fov)#
Calculate overscan with camera and FOV.
Query the overscan of cam by comparing to the camera_fov field of view.
- Parameters:
cam (Camera) – The mmSolver.api.Camera object to query field of view from.
camera_fov ([(int, float, float), ..]) – Tuple of camera field of view per-frame values X and Y.
mkr_grp (MarkerGroup or None) – The mmapi MarkerGroup object, to be used additionally to the provided camera to calculate the overscan.
- Returns:
Overscan X and Y values.
- Return type:
(float, float)
Library - Formats#
Contains constant values for the Load Marker tool.