Convert a Maya transform into a marker, viewed though the camera.


The ‘Convert to Marker’ tool., start_frame=None, end_frame=None, bundle_position_mode=None, delete_static_anim_curves=None)#

Convert all selected transforms into 2D markers under a camera.

  • frame_range_mode (FRAME_RANGE_MODE_*_VALUE) – The type of frame range to use, see ‘mmSolver.utils.constant.FRAME_RANGE_MODE_*_VALUE’ for more details.

  • start_frame (int or None) – The first frame to start converting the transform to a Marker.

  • end_frame (int or None) – The last frame to end converting the transform to a Marker.

  • bundle_position_mode (None or BUNDLE_POSITION_MODE_*) – The position for the newly created Bundle (connected to the Marker).

  • delete_static_anim_curves (bool) – When enabled, this will remove all keyframes from the bundle, if the bundle is not animated.


The ‘Convert to Marker’ library functions., cam_shp, nodes, start_frame, end_frame)#, cam_shp, tfm_nodes, start_frame, end_frame, bundle_position_mode, delete_static_anim_curves)#

Create Markers from Maya transform nodes.

  • cam_tfm (str) – Camera transform node.

  • cam_shp (str) – Camera shape node.

  • tfm_nodes ([str, ...]) – Input transform nodes to be converted.

  • start_frame (int) – The frame range to sample the input transform nodes, and convert to animation.

  • end_frame (int) – The frame range to sample the input transform nodes, and convert to animation.

  • bundle_position_mode (None or BUNDLE_POSITION_MODE_*) – The position for the newly created Bundle (connected to the Marker).

  • delete_static_anim_curves (bool) – When enabled, this will remove all keyframes from the bundle, if the bundle is not animated.


A tuple of 2 lists; First list is the Marker nodes created by the function, and the second list is the bundle nodes created by this function.

Return type:

([str, …], [str, …])


Contains constant values for the Convert To Marker tool.