Create Node Tools#

Node Creation Shelf Icons

Creating various nodes and objects with mmSolver uses the tools below.

Create Marker#

Create a default Marker node under the active viewport’s Camera.


  1. Click in a Maya 3D viewport, to activate the Camera.

  2. Run the Create Marker tool, using the shelf, menu or marking menu.

    • A Marker will be created in the center of the viewport.


Default Maya cameras (such as persp, top, front, etc) are not supported to create Markers.


To create Markers, with 2D data from external 3D software use the Load Markers tool.

Run this Python command:

import as tool

Create Bundle#

Create a default Bundle node.

If Markers are selected, the Bundle will attempt to attach to it, while adhering to the rule; a bundle can only have one marker representation for each camera.

Run this Python command:

import as tool

Create Line#

Create a 2D Line node, made up of Markers and Bundles. The Line defines a straight line between all Markers on the Line.

Adjust the Marker positions to move the Line.


To display a straight line select the mmLineShape shape node and enable Draw Middle.

Run this Python command:

import as tool

Create Camera#

Create a default Camera.

Run this Python command:

import as tool

Create Lens#

Create a Lens (distortion) node.

The Lens node is used to distort all Markers attached to the Camera similar to how imperfections in physical lenses distorts light (mostly at the edges) of an image.


  1. Activate 3D viewport or select camera node(s).

  2. Run the Create Lens tool, using the shelf or menu.

  3. Adjust lens node attributes as needed, or load a lens with the Load Markers in Maya.

Run this Python command:

import as tool

Create ImagePlane#

Create a MM Solver ImagePlane node, with the chosen image file (sequence).


The image plane supports any image format supported by Maya’s file node, but can be buggy when reading image sequences.

MM Image Plane


  1. Activate 3D viewport or select camera node(s).

  2. Run the Create ImagePlane tool, using the shelf or menu.

  3. Browse to image file.

    • If the image is named as an image sequence (such as file.#.ext), it will be detected and the full image sequence will be loaded.

Run this Python command:

import as tool